w9d5 - 3/4 of a/A = full stack
Wow, what a journey this has been! In seven weeks, we learned enough to become full fledged software developers, and the two weeks following that were spent building clones of existing Web applications. That’s the gist of it, and it sounds crazy when you put it that way. People spend years to get to this point, and we’ve reached it in a little over two months. When i take a step back and think about it, i can appreciate just how difficult it’s been, but I’ve had a lot of fun along the way, learning the full stack of Web Development. That’s not to say that our projects were perfect, i know mine wasn’t and i actually spent some time over the weekend improving it, because i genuinely enjoy working on it. It doesn’t feel like just “work”, but rather “working on a masterpiece.” Of course the danger in that is that it never feels done…
Of course it wasn’t really the last day for us at app/Academy, just the end of one journey and the start of another, more important one that we’ve spent all this time preparing for… the next three weeks are dedicated to the job search, and i intend to put in as much effort there as i did during the first 3/4 of a/A, and hopefully I’ll end up with something else to be proud of!